Low Cost RecruitingUnderline

30%-50% lower fee than other recruiters!

Direct Hire

Direct Hire
(For hourly wage positions)

  • Description

    Pay $0 to see resumes & applicants

  • Description

    No payment until you have workers working

  • Description

    Pay week by week a small affordable weekly fee

If the employee does not work out at any time we find you more candidates...

You Owe $0 in additional fees!You Owe $0 in additional fees!

Target job

Direct Hire Plus
(For salary wage positions)

  • Description

    Pay $0 to see resumes & applicants

  • Description

    No payment until you have workers working

  • Description

    Pay once after 30 days after an employee starts

If the employee does not work out in the first 30 days we find you more candidates...

You Owe $0 in fees!underline

Target Job
Background For Benny Benny The Bill

It's Easy!

We are your "IN PERSON" indeed job board


Tell us the position(s) you need


We find you several candidates


You hire them on your payroll


Pay us small % over 13 weeks or 1 time in 37 days

Find candidates!

Our Industry
Sectors Sectors underline



  • Icon representing food, grocery, and spirits

    Food, Grocery & Spirit

  • Icon representing textiles, furniture, and home improvements

    Textiles, Furniture, Home Imp

  • Icon representing jewelry, accessories, and special items

    Jewelry, Accessory & Special

  • Icon representing fuel and convenience stores

    Fuel & Convenience


Admin & Trades

  • Icon representing customer service and financial sectors

    Customer Service & Financial

  • Icon representing legal, insurance, and public sectors

    Legal, Insurance & Public

  • Icon representing health care and wellness industries

    Health Care & Wellness

  • Icon representing trades and services

    Trades & Services

admin & trades

Food & Beverages

  • Icon representing restaurants, bars, and pubs

    Restaurant & Bar / Pub

  • Icon representing coffee shops, bistros, and bakeries

    Coffee, Bistro & Bakery

  • Icon representing hotels, hospitality, and events

    Hotel, Hospitality & Event

  • Icon representing sports and entertainment venues

    Sport / Entertainment

Food & Beverages


  • Icon representing forklift and equipment operators

    Forklift & Eq Operators

  • Icon representing general labor and warehousing

    General Labor & Warehousing

  • Icon representing manufacturing and trades

    Manufacturing & Trades

  • Icon representing administrative roles


Direct Hire Recruiting
Program Program

Simple 13 week payment program - use your credit card!


RecruitingRecruiting - Direct Hire Program (DHP)

You carry payroll & All liabilities:

1. Wage Rating - What do you pay for hour (Higher wage = lower fee)
2. Hourly Wage x Hours Worked = Gross Pay (What you pay your emp./week)
3. Gross Pay x Markup = Billing (This is all you pay until 520h or 13 weeks)

You carry payroll & All liabilities
You can swipe the table responsively
Get StartedGet Started
Contact Us

Tell us who you need!
Applications dropped off directly at your door or via email!

    Learn more about our hiring programs

    Frequently Asked
    Questions Frequently Asked Question

    Excepteur consectetur deserunt id incididunt veniam mollit officia sint qui aute duis sit cillum. Reprehenderit fugiat amet aliqua in commodo minim sunt laborum. Distinctio facere aliquam est qui atque sint molestias ad.

    Excepteur consectetur deserunt id incididunt veniam mollit officia sint qui aute duis sit cillum. Reprehenderit fugiat amet aliqua in commodo minim sunt laborum. Distinctio facere aliquam est qui atque sint molestias ad.

    Excepteur consectetur deserunt id incididunt veniam mollit officia sint qui aute duis sit cillum. Reprehenderit fugiat amet aliqua in commodo minim sunt laborum. Distinctio facere aliquam est qui atque sint molestias ad.

    Excepteur consectetur deserunt id incididunt veniam mollit officia sint qui aute duis sit cillum. Reprehenderit fugiat amet aliqua in commodo minim sunt laborum. Distinctio facere aliquam est qui atque sint molestias ad.

    Excepteur consectetur deserunt id incididunt veniam mollit officia sint qui aute duis sit cillum. Reprehenderit fugiat amet aliqua in commodo minim sunt laborum. Distinctio facere aliquam est qui atque sint molestias ad.

    Excepteur consectetur deserunt id incididunt veniam mollit officia sint qui aute duis sit cillum. Reprehenderit fugiat amet aliqua in commodo minim sunt laborum. Distinctio facere aliquam est qui atque sint molestias ad.

    Excepteur consectetur deserunt id incididunt veniam mollit officia sint qui aute duis sit cillum. Reprehenderit fugiat amet aliqua in commodo minim sunt laborum. Distinctio facere aliquam est qui atque sint molestias ad.

    Growing Teams See
    The DifferenceDifference Underline

    My PlaceSmart staffing experience was very pleasant. Kaveeka was who helped me and she was very thorough and patient. She helped me achieve my goal and I was placed at a job before I left., 😀

    Jane Cooper Jane Cooper CEO, ACME Corp.

    Read on Google

    Placesmart Agency has been a pleasure to work with during my job hunt! They are not only very kind during the whole experience, but they are very knowledgeable in their field! It’s a pleasure to talk to any of them on the phone because you are always treated with kindness and respect! Couldn’t recommend them more!

    James Nester James Nesler CEO, ACME Corp.

    Read on Google

    Placemat Agency is a wonderful friendly place. Kaveeka is awesome. She goes way above her duties to accommodate and make people happy with their work environment. Keep up the good work Kaveeka, it's been a pleasure to know you.

    Carol Smith Carol Smith HR, ACME Corp.

    Read on Google

    Honestly one of the best experiences I’ve ever had was dealing with Peyton Oathout. She was kind, efficient and overall extremely knowledgeable. If I could rate her more than 5 stars, I would!

    Meghan Marshall Meghan Marshall HR Coordinator, ACME Corp.

    Read on Google

    Great place very nice people I had a flat tire and was late for my appointment and they made no issue with that and they helping me with a job as I text this

    Terry Metts Jr Terry Metts Jr CEO, ACME Corp.

    Read on Google

    I went into play smart looking for a job and Kaveeka hooked me up so fast. She was so nice to my friend and I and got us jobs faster than any other agency I’ve been through!!

    Haley Hafford Haley Hafford HR Coordinator, ACME Corp.

    Read on Google